How to Grow Swiss Chard Indoors

A member of the beet family, Swiss chard is a resilient and easy-to-grow plant with good flavor in the leaves and stems, both edible cooked or raw. There are also a ton of varieties to choose from of different colors and flavor profiles. Swiss chard is typically grown in cool weather outside, but unlike lettuce … Read more

Can Beets Grow in Containers?

Beets are a seriously underrated vegetable in the garden. A lot of people, including gardeners, tend to think of beets (some places like the UK call it beetroot) as a boring vegetable meant to play second fiddle to the stars of the garden–the tomatoes, the cucumbers, the lettuce, the kale, the squash, etc. Beets are … Read more

5 Benefits of Growing Sunflowers

If you’re on the fence about whether to grow sunflowers this year, I have to ask: why are you on the fence about something like that?! But seriously, I’ve been guilty of not considering sunflowers in my garden. I do enjoy sunflower seeds but I preferred to dedicate the space in my garden to other … Read more

Why You Should Try to Grow Tomatoes Upside Down

If you’re here, you’ve probably seen or heard about people growing tomatoes upside down. Does it even work? Is it worth it? The short answer is yes and depends. But it may come as a surprise to you that growing tomatoes upside down actually takes advantage of the natural growth habit of tomatoes to give … Read more

Can You Grow Cucumbers Vertically?

If you’ve ever grown cucumbers before, you’d know how easy it is for them to get out of control. Most cucumber plants grow as sprawling vines, very similar to tomatoes, but unlike tomatoes, they have little tendrils that grab onto stakes, trellises, strings, or even other plants for extra support. You can use the cucumber’s … Read more

How to Grow Kohlrabi from Seed

Kohlrabi is seriously underrated as a vegetable. It’s basically the same species as kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and collards, yet hardly anyone grows it and it’s seen as more of a curiosity at the supermarket than a staple in the kitchen. But kohlrabi is a versatile, delicious vegetable that tastes much better when you grow … Read more